Friday, March 21, 2014

World Food day CORRECTION

For my 5th grade students, I wrote the incorrect time for our world food day party today. The time is 9:10-9:55. Please note if you were planning to visit.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spanish Quarter 3

Hola Padres,
   I am so excited to start another quarter of Spanish here at Sopris.  Please make sure to send your student with a folder by early this week please to keep their portfolio in.

I am also currently short on tissues, sanitary wipes and washable markers. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

With "I love to read" month coming up we will being working on our reading and aging minutes towards our goal.  Later this month we will have a read and feed Spanish style. Be on the look out for details.

Please check out my previous posts for fun at home and updates on what we are doing in class. Thank you for your support of Spanish at Sopris


Saturday, November 9, 2013

More Practice for at Home

For those you of who would like to practice Spanish at home, which I highly encourage, I have attached a website that has many different, fun games for the kids to practice their vocabulary online.  The new library in Glenwood Springs also has a large section of Spanish/Bilingual books available for checkout. I have also attached a link to a website with wonderful, educational songs in Spanish.  I hope you enjoy practicing! Gracias!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Changing of the quarter

This past quarter I have really enjoyed working with your child.  I will see them again for 3 week during 4th quarter. I have included below a description of the other two E/I classes. 

Ask your child about the storied and chapter books we created and read. Ask them about their vocab and the games we played to practice those words. Thank you so much for your support. Gracias!

Writers Workshop: Ann Perrin
The Enrichment team has an exciting addition to its 2013/2014 curriculum: Writer’s Workshop.  The Writer’s Workshop will offer a creative, enticing and integrative writing experience to the Enrichment block.  Your children will be amazed by how effortless and entertaining it is to express themselves through writing.  Their writing process will include high-interest level experiential and hands-on activities integrating grade level science themes.  We will coordinate with community experts on a greenhouse project, build a model of the solar system and travel back in time to prehistoric eras via realistic fiction stories, just to name a few. I am thrilled about the new journey your students and I are about to embark on through their own creative genius!  I am a Writer at heart and have been a classroom teacher and ELL teacher in the RFSD for 12 years.  My current adventure in academia is STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Math) certification, an up and coming teaching model, which involves integrating multiple subjects in Science themed units. I love new adventures and can’t wait to get started!

-Ann Perrin
Modular 2 South

Science: Stephanie Dungan
My name is Stephanie Dungan and this is my second year teaching science at Sopris Elementary. This year in science we will be focusing on using science notebooks. Students will be doing hands on experiments and investigations then recording their learning using the scientific method. The steps we will use are aligned to the notebooks and are 1.) Question 2.) Hypothesis 3.) Plan
4.) Experiment 5.) Observations & Data 6.) Conclusion. I look forward to working with many students and expanding science learning. This is going to be a great year in science.

-Ms. Dungan
Modular 2 North

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Spanish After School

With next semester rapidly approaching, I will be offering an after school Spanish class here at SES. The day has not been set yet, I will leave that to majority rules. Monday seems to be a popular choice.  The kids would come to me right after school, one day a week, and would stay with my until 4:45pm. I will be taking subjects and units from class, and will expand upon them into greater, in depth detail. The cost will be $15 a session in a group, $25 for a individual lesson. I will have punch pass available for purchase. If this is something that interests you and your child please feel free to call, or email me. If you call or email, please include your name, your child's name, their grade and what day works best for you. Thank you for your support of Spanish here at Sopris! Gracias!

Ms. Houchin

Chapter books

Hola Padres,
     The past few weeks we have been learning about the continents, working on our essential vocabulary and continuing with our storytelling. Additionally, we are continuing to read our chapter books in Spanish. Pobre Ana in 5th grade. Las Aventuras de Isabela in 4th grade and Berto y sus Buenas Ideas in 3rd grade. 
      The book Pobre Ana is used in Spanish language classes to help students learn Spanish words in a simulated real-life setting.  Each story is an excellent 'beginning' book for students who wants to increase their Spanish learning. It consists of 300 of the most frequently used words in a elementary Spanish class. It uses realistic fiction to create a wonderful story, and allows the reader to have comprehensible input. When reading their chapter books, beginning students discover that they have actually learned a significant amount of Spanish by reading. It is very exciting for me to watch this process happen with my students. 

I have attached a youtube video giving a little overview of what Pobre Ana is about. Make sure your kids don't watch it, I don't want to spoil the ending! :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dia de Independencia


Hola Padres,
         In celebration of Mexico’s Independence Day, we will be having a Fiesta de Independencia on Tuesday, September 17th during E/I time. We have been studying Mexican culture, and how they celebrate Independence Day. During our fiesta will taste traditional Mexican foods, learn a bit more about the history and play traditional Mexican party games.
I am asking that each child brings a traditional Mexican dish to share with the class. If he/she can not bring a dish, I would like for them to write a one paragraph essay describing a typical Mexican dish.
Each class has approximately 26 students. Please no candy or soda. Some ideas for a healthy Mexican snack include: mango with chili, chips and salsa, guacamole, bananas with honey or cheese quesadillas. There are many ideas available on the internet.
If you put your food in a dish that you would like returned please put your name on it. Also, I have told your child they must bring their food to me, room 1East, on Tuesday BEFORE they go to their homeroom in the morning. I will provide silverware, plates and napkins.
These past few weeks, we have been having so much fun in Spanish class. I appreciate the opportunity to teach your child, and I look forward to sharing some holiday cheer with them in Spanish! Additionally, we welcome any parents who wish to help during the party. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Ms. Houchin